Thursday, April 7, 2016

Rochester's Religious Awakening

          Toward the end of the novel, Rochester describes a moving religious experience. He I began to "wish for reconcilement to my Maker". Rochester had a religious awakening, his faith in god is renewed. His humbling and degradation to his crippled state led him to "pray: very brief prayers... but very sincere". This is an important moment as for almost the entire novel Rochester's lack of faith juxtaposing Jane's religious devotion was a major obstacle for them in achieving an equal relationship. It is with this final declaration that Jane and Rochester are now equal. Coincidentally is is only after Rochester finds his faith that he and Jane are reunited. Once Rochester believes in gods mercy and miracles can he move on to a new chapter. However it takes the birth of his first born son to remove all doubt and truly "with a full heart, acknowledg[e] that God had tempered judgment with mercy". At the end of the novel Rochester is purged of all his sins and has transformed into a true Christian believer.

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